During these chaotic times, investors have been exploring opportunities to diversify their portfolios and secure the financial stability.
High Net Worth Immigration has been working with clients across the globe who are in search of stable investment opportunities in these unstable times.
One such opportunity, is the Private Offering Protected Fixed Income Bond paying 20% per annum with full Lloyds of London insurance. It offers both principal-capital and coupon protection. By investing from £50,000 GBP or more in 12-month fixed term UK-issued bonds, investors can benefit from low-risks and high-returns. Bulcan Consulting, trading as High Net Worth Immigration, is an investment migration consultancy based in Canada who has been advising clients on this incredible investment opportunity.
Read more: Which HNWI markets will survive post-Covid19?
A Stable Investment Opportunity in Unstable times
Investors can achieve significant above-average-market returns with full principal and coupon protection in the private off-market trading of pre-sold investment grade securities through global tier-1 bank transactions.
Investors can achieve significant above-average-market returns with full principal and coupon protection in the private off-market trading of pre-sold investment grade securities via global tier-1 bank transactions. Through secure internal banking transactions, they can leverage their capital reserves to deliver exceptional non-market correlated returns.
By investing in our exclusive and simple bond instrument investors now have access to this private banking off-market sector used by billionaires, hedge-funds and corporates to generate above-average-market returns.
Bank issued investment grade papers are financial instruments purchased from the issuing bank at a discount of its face value. It is simultaneously resold to a pre-contracted buyer who has agreed to pay a higher fixed price before the transaction begins, thereby locking in a predetermined and guaranteed profit per trade.
The buying and selling of these prime securities are executed back-to-back through global tier-1 banks on a daily basis over a trading period of 1-year. The difference between the buy and sell price represents the profit per trade, which is multiplied many times over the term of the contract in which the underlying investment area is the highest yielding of all financial trading in the world. This is how the Bond can generate 20% per annum along with a participation bonus for qualified investors.
This exclusive sector is now available to investors through a UK bond instrument.
Bond Terms
High Net Worth Immigration’s chief economist specialises in creating tailored capital solutions that generate lucrative returns with high levels of capital protection. Through a network of investors, partners and some of the world’s top tier bankers and specialist lawyers they bring together dynamic skills, international connections and industry experience. Using discretion and capitalizing on their relationships with leading providers of bespoke investment products, structures, vehicles and programmes, they can leverage returns for their professional, private and corporate investors.
Of fundamental importance, is the protection of capital by mitigating risk using multiple layers of protection while still maintaining high returns, this is High Net Worth Immigration’s most significant added value for our clients.
Low risk and high returns are key features investors look for when selecting the right opportunity. If you would like to learn more, please contact Vicky Katsarova on +1(902) 210-5700 or email her at in**@hi************************.com For more information about, please see High Net Worth Immigration.