
Content marketing, media, and business development solutions that empower your growth

We have created content for the biggest names in the international tax and investment migration industry

Get more visibility and boost your company's credibility by promoting your business in top-tier international press

Connect with more advisers to Entrepreneurs, HNWIs, and Investors and build more partnerships

OuR Magazine

Promote your firm

Whether it’s Sponsored Articles, eye-catching Banner Ads, or exclusive Sponsorship packages, we showcase your brand to a truly global audience of investment migration, corporate, funds, and wealth advisory professionals.

Our unrivalled digital magazine, The Golden Wealth Wire boasts the broadest sectoral reach in the wealth industry. We offer maximum exposure for your firm and the ideal platform to build your thought leadership.

Explore our advertising rates on our unrivalled digital magazine with an audience of over 36,000 cross-sectoral professionals

Our Network in Numbers

The Golden Wealth Wire Audience: 36,219 (Sept 2023)

Investment Migration
0 %
Corporate & Tax
0 %
Wealth Management
0 %
Family Offices
0 %